Our Guarantee


satisfaction-100-guaranteedWe are so confident that The Next Level Business Coaching Program will help you increase your income or improve your career position that we offer a NO RISK 100% Money-Back Guarantee. If after your first 4 months of coaching, you don’t believe The Next Level Business Coaching Program will help you generate more income, attract more customers or help you advance in your career, we will give a 100% refund.


We guarantee you’ll get results, and that you’ll be able to “Find our Fee” from the improved business revenue within 4 months of  our engagement… or your coaching is FREE. That is how confident we are that we WILL get results. Whether it is in terms of more time, a better team or more money … if you are making a good-faith effort and doing the required work assigned to you; you attend all coaching sessions and you complete all of your committed decisions and homework assignments on agreed-upon dates … and you are STILL not satisfied or seeing results by the end of the 4th month, we will refund your coaching fees … no questions asked!


We guarantee to help accelerate your growth, development, and results, help you receive a more favorable performance evaluation and provide solutions to your hectic and complex executive life within 4 months of The Next Level Business Coaching you… or your coaching is FREE. That is how confident we are that we WILL get results. As long as you are making a good-faith effort and doing the required work assigned to you; you attend all coaching sessions and you complete all of your committed decisions and homework assignments on agreed-upon dates … and you are STILL not satisfied or seeing results by the end of the 4th month, we will refund your coaching fees … no questions asked!

We also guarantee that we will…

  • Hold you highly accountable for doing what you agree to do
  • Tell you the truth about you and your business. In other words, we will provide “tough love” … no matter how uncomfortable it may be, or how difficult it is to share with you the realities of your business and the changes you need to make
  • Hold all our sessions and your information in total confidentiality
  • Teach you how to be more successful and help you unlock your full potential
  • Customize and personalize your coaching. We do not and will not force you to conform to a particular model or approach
  • Share with you our proven systems, methodologies, strategies and tactics for success
  • Show up with our “A” game each and every session