Marketing & Advertising Consultating

marketing results group logo

Don’t refer to us as an advertising agency, marketing agency, consultants, gurus, savants, pundits, wise men…
we’d be offended (and the last one is just plain sexist)

If you came to this site looking for your typical marketing agency, you came to the wrong site.

We’re marketing re$ultants™.

No, you read right. It’s not a typo. We’re marketing re$ultants™. We’ve even applied for a trademark on it.

We’re a new breed of marketing professionals. A better breed. And by the way, not inbred! We believe that ad agencies and marketing consultants have gotten away for far too long with not being accountable, truly accountable, for the one thing they were hired to do…improve the bottom-line.

Marketing is about one thing…


Quantifiable, measurable, take ‘em to the bank results. We’re talking revenue, not sales. Results that make you, your partners, your bankers, your investors, your stockholders, and possibly, your spouse, smile in a way that makes others question their sanity.

Contact Us
Ph: 720-219-4303

We’re Disruptors, Provocateurs, Change Agents.

Why disrupt?

We don’t believe in playing it safe. In today’s world, “safe” is ineffective. We believe in disrupting the status quo by being “provocative” in the sense of being thought-provoking… but always in pursuit of results.

Marketing is like a game, you can play it safe and be good, or you can take a chance and be great. But we never do “cool” for “cool” sake. We always attempt to disrupt the prospect’s inertia in order to provoke change, action… sales.

Playing it safe is really risky.

We’re not for everyone.

Ask yourself, do you advertise because you want to have your name associated with really cool ads, or do you advertise because you want results?

Be Famous or Be Rich?

If you said you want to have your name associated with really cool ads, get your sorry ass to another web site. You don’t belong here.

We make businesses succeed and people rich.

That’s what we do.

Contact Us
Ph: 720-219-4303

What We Do

We’re topologists with an attitude. We create roadmaps. Point to where you are. Then point to where you need to go. Then we create the most cost-efficient, more effective way to get you there.

No, we’re not travel agents.

If it’s business results you want, we help you learn how to appeal to more of the right customers and close more deals. We find the opportunities and exploit them.

  • Ads
  • New Products
  • Branding
  • Image
  • Design
  • Public Relations
  • Strategy
  • Pricing
  • Sales & Sales Force Analysis
  • Customer Satisfaction
  • Marketing ROI Analysis

Think of it this way, if you need something lifted, we lift it.

Well, maybe we are travel agents. If you want to go from “You Are Here” to “More Successful,” then we’ll book the trip and get you there – hell, we’ll even go with you and be your travel guides.

Contact Us
Ph: 720-219-4303